We Monitor Livestock

A Technology Company

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About Us

Our product is the State-of-the art remote monitoring / IoT solution that allows farmers of small and large cattle herds to manage their stock more effectively. Cattle Watch develops innovative, state-of-the-art technology in the field of remote monitoring systems / IoT for cattle herds, sheep and goats. The purpose of the system is to prevent animal theft through GPS and Satellite tracking, provides early theft warning as well as GeoFencing to prevent animals straying out of the designated grazing area. The system provides an easy and automated animal counting technology that makes it even easy for farmers to count a large number of stock in a a matter of minutes and is able to monitor the health of animals and help curb the spread of diseases. The technology is based on Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning and Mass Data algorithms and Cattle-Watch is the only operational system for monitoring cattle herds in the market right now.

  • Early Theft Warning
  • Geo fencing
  • Location and Tracking
  • Automated counting
  • Remote herds and health status

How It Works


Install Collar Tag

A collar tag is securely enclosed around the neck of the animal. The collar tag has the firmware to collect all necessary data

  • Water Proof
  • Firmware remotely updated
  • Batteries life 18-36 months
  • Has Reflective effect at night (Glow in the dark)

Install Lora Network Tower

We preferably use Lora Network to conserve battery life and reliable updates of data such as GPS Location and much more

  • Low Powered sensors, and wide coverage area measured in kilometers.
  • Operates on free(unlicensed) frequencies, no upfront licensing cost to use the technology.
  • Single LoRa Gateway device is designed to take care of thousands of end devices or nodes.
  • Backed by the likes of CISCO, IBM and 500 other member companies of the LoRa Alliance.
  • Security: a layer of security for the network and one for the application with AES encryption.

Enjoy Monitoring on your Smartphone

Install Cattlewatch App from Playstore/iStore and login(Account exists only after installation process)

  • Get up to 8 different alerts of your livestock
  • Automated counting and Geo-Fencing
  • Know the exact locaton of your livestock
  • Have a send drone feature as an option(Additional charged feature)

Our Team


Our team is made of up collective individuals that are experts in their own respective fields. Each and everyone of them contribute to the well oiled, everyday functionality of Cattlewatch Africa and ensures that the system works in harmony.

Our Services

What we offer.

App Monitoring

The technology allows you to monitor everything, in the palm of your hands using a Cattlewatch app.


24/7 Monitoring

We have a control room dedicated to monitor and respond to all client's alerts within the system wherever the clients are in South Africa.There is a dedicated response team within the control room and engineers abroad for you. Therefore you do not have to be on the app 24/7 to catch emergencies


Air Drone surveillence

This is an added service to the standerd service. When an emergency alert occurs the user or Cattlewatch personel is able to deploy the drone to the location where the alert occured to capture the event.



Piecing together our product

Tap Image for Description


Contact Us

See Our Daily News & Updates


73 Old Main Road, Kloof, Durban, South Africa


+27 860 3333 56


+27 64 780 1449

Email Address
